
Showing posts from 2015

It's a New Year so why not?

Last night I got a call that shook me. It was a call to inform me that a cousin of mine was found dead in an abandoned home. I kind of went numb but still knew to call my Granny and Mom to make sure they knew. With all the deaths I've experienced over the past couple of years my heart is so fragile. I'm just recently getting to the place where I'm not scared to answer the phone.  I thank God for keeping me through all that I've been through. I thank God for a husband he is my back bone and apart of my awesome support system. I further thank God that on this morning I received a message to let me know that it was not my cousin and I thank God that it was not but I also feel for the family of the son, brother, husband or cousin who was found in that home.  Life is unexpected and with a new year coming in tonight we should reevaluate our priorities. This is a reevaluation that we should do consistently throughout the year but if we haven't it's not too late to do s...

Cold and Flu, hit the road Jack! And don't come back!

This, unfortunately, is the season of colds, viruses, asthma flare ups, and just plain ole sick for mostly everyone and worst for our little ones. Even when you think you've done all that you can to protect your babies and yourself from the horrible bug of sickness someone in your household brings home the one sneeze or cough that releases the germ into your fortress of what you thought was solitude from the dreaded cold; inevitable for those of us with little ones. They leave home to go to school, day care, play dates, grandmas or wherever feeling great and free from infection ( Coming to America reference I literally just laughed out loud, told you all I was corny) and they return with germs that invade your territory. It almost makes you want to snatch their clothes off at the door throw them in the tub and then disinfect everything that could have possibly been contaminated.  For two years one of our boys was in the hospital for at least a week in December around his birthday b...

A Holiday Truth Package for you!

Ok, so we do not believe in the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus and we teach our children that these tales do not exist. Since this is the Christmas season I will just talk about Dear ole' St. Nick. All of our boys know that Santa Claus is not real. We chose at the time they asked to just tell them truth and not hold up a charade, that was our choice. We explained to them the story about a man named Nicholas who was called a saint because he would leave candy and trinkets in the stockings left outside of the doors of the poor families with children. It gave the family's joy and hope when the children awoke to receive their gifts from dear ole St. Nick. As the years went on and time passed they, whoever they are, added to the story and turned him into some mystical being with a sleigh and reindeers who travels the world giving gifts by sliding down folk's chimneys. And some parents have adopted the story and allowed their children to believe it. Me, personall...

Fathers Do NOT Babysit Their Children

Hubby was home with the boys while I was out at a beautiful event the other day. After the ceremony, I sat down to eat at the reception with a couple others when I was asked, "Is your husband babysitting the boys?" Uummmm, no ma'am he's home with his children.  A father being home with his children while mom is away is not babysitting. Those are his children that he has a duty to take care of. When mom is home with the children is she then babysitting? No she's home with her children so why then are fathers reduced to babysitters when they are spending quality time alone with their children. Has our society gotten so far away from men in general being able to be there for their children. Let's not go into black men being present in their children's lives, pulling the race card takes it to a whole other dimension. Give our men credit when and where it's due. When they are home with their children they are simply being the other parent. They are being a ...

This darn Rotavirus vaccine!

Continue on if you will but I must tell you this post contains talk of BMs and prayer.  Monday I took JV to his 4 month well child visit and I forgot all about him having to get his booster immunization shots. Doctor checks him out, everything is great. Although he's a little chunkier than most he's growing beautifully and exceeding all of his current milestones. He had to get 3 needles and one liquid. I'm getting better at keeping my composure when it comes to sticking my babies with needles I don't shed tears anymore which is a win for this Mommy. Anyway, the only one I can remember off hand is the Rotavirus vaccine which was the liquid form, it's white in color in a small syringe that the nurse squirts down into the lower cheek and hopes that babies don't spit it all back into their faces. It is a live attenuated (weakend) viral vaccine given to prevent Rotavirus which is nasty bug that causes fever and vomiting, followed by very bad diarrhea which can all ca...

Yes I have 4 boys! What's it to you?!

Whenever I'm out with JV I get the usual, "Congratulations!" which I was confused after he was 3 months and folk were still saying it, I'm like he's not new anymore I mean do you see how chunky he is! I get the "Aaaawwwww, I remember when" which was a new response that I actually just got today and I always get "He so cute and adorable, he's a big boy!" And usually following one of these statements I get asked "Is he your first?" First let me say thank you, thank you for looking at my face and looking at this body and not being able to realize that I have pushed four bundles of heaping joy from this uterus, thank you so very much. Now, it's not this question that gets me, it's the repsponse to my reply of "No, he's actually  my fourth,  t hat is starting to get my panties in a bunch and ruffle my feathers.  "OMG, how do you do it?!" Wow, FOUR BOYS! (Note the emphasis) and then of course following those i...

My Sisterly Natural Hair Bond

Natural hair has made a huge impact on many of women these days. Seems like every where you turn you'll find at least 3-4 women rocking a coily bush of sorts. You go on YouTube and there are tons and tons of "Big Chop" videos. Some did the big chop because it was something to do, some because they wanted to keep up with the Jones' and others because they were tired of the damaging effects of the many years of chemicals. Trying to figure out a style for my bush the other day had me frustrated and in distress, it had me wondering why I decided to take this natural hair journey and why I should or shouldn't keep the journey going. I mean my hair seems like it's the roughest toughest texture there is, it doesn't behave at all and it doesn't take well to most products or most styles so why should I even bother? After laying back and resting my oh so tired arms I started really thinking about it, what was stopping me from indulging in the creamy crack once a...

Is anyone still there?

Hello World! August was such a rough month for me. My sister's would be 25th birthday, the one year anniversary of her death plus the one year anniversaries of my two aunts and a young friend of my family. Not to mention adjusting to a supposed routine for my newborn and also preparing my big boys for a new school. Just so very much that not only did I not have time but my mind was just not settled enough to put pen to paper. Have you ever been there? It's like your thoughts are running their own marathon, full speed with no chill in sight! My goodness! Now that things have calmed just a little I have some time to catch up with you all and see how life is treating you and let you all know how life is now treating me.  School is in session for my big boys so it's just been JV and I living it up! I had to make a hard decision to not return to work. I say hard because for a family of six now having one income is a bit of a stretch but when trying to find child care you come to...

Get back to You!

Not that I'm naive or stupid or anything but I find it so amazing how different every pregnancy and every child can be. Everyday since the day JV was born has proven to me that I m done procreating. This is not a bad thing at all it's just my simple yet at the same time magnanimous revelation that I just can not go through the process of pregnancy, labor and delivery again. Now unless the Lord has a crazy way of doing things which is not at all too far fetched for my life and it's in His plan and His will for us to do this again and He does it in a way that only He could have done it, I can not let this happen again.  Now this is not to say that my pregnancy was not a beautiful experience or that my baby is not one of the most special creations that my husband and I have had the luxury to create. It's just the way this pregnancy has set my body up, I'm just not bouncing back quite like I did with the other boys. I mean here I am almost 3 weeks postpartum and still e...

Why Hello There!

Here it is, a little over two weeks since I pushed my baby boy into this world. It was an intense 15 hours of labor but after increased and then decreased doses of oxytocin, external and internal monitors, the use of a peanut ball between my legs (that I had never seen nor heard of in my life, was used to open up my pelvis and allow baby to descend easily, so the nurse said), multiple heart rate drops, oxygen masks, much frustration, and anxiety a pulled muscle and a few burst blood vessels, finally at 10:32pm my Baby JV was coerced from my womb into the world. His labor and delivery was by far, for me, the most intense of my four babies. But of course after all that, when they laid my baby in my arms and I looked into his bright and alert little eyes and he looked directly into mine, all of that stress from that long process didn't matter as much because he was finally here and he was all mine. Gone were the frustrating thoughts of how we thought he would be here at least two week...

My Maternity Updated.... Enjoy....

As of a couple days ago I am officially on maternity leave! The boys are out for the summer and Hubby is working harder than ever before seems like. It has definitely been a lot harder to get back into the swing of things as far as being a Stay at Home Mom again. One reason of course is I'm carrying an almost 8 lb basketball belly in front of me everywhere I go these days. In my mind I'm moving around in full speed. I mean I have my fast walk going on and everything but I've realized I've only been deceiving myself because I'm actually moving at a snail's pace! Couple that with the many breaks to catch my breath and the other many breaks to break up fights and arguments the boys get themselves into and I really only complete about two tasks a day! Lmbo not a lot of progress to some but that is an accomplishment to just finish something!  Along side getting into the swing of being at home I'm also getting a little anxious about when Baby JV will actually arri...

I'm a Cheated Slacker!

10 weeks to go!! My count down is about to be on!! Ok scratch that it is now 6 weeks to go. It has literally taken me an entire month to finish this one post what is my problem seriously smh. Such a slacker! Any who, I can't believe my pregnancy is almost over. Although it has seemed long it doesn't seem like its time for it to be almost over. My lil munchkin has really been making his presence know these days, flipping and tumbling all day. Sticking lil hands and lil feet into my ribs, poking my bladder I mean the whole nine yards. I'm almost still in awe that we made this happen again and that in a few weeks we'll have another lil Jones added to it posse... Amazing! Although I am getting super stoked that my time to meet my next love child is right around the corner I still feel like I was cheated. That's right cheated! I couldn't still wear my cute heels as I see so many 2nd and 3rd trimester women donning. I was so clumsy in my 1st trimester that when I trie...

Are you keeping your Sugar hot, Girl!?

Hello Ladies! Here I am in my 5th month of pregnancy most of the time feeling like Free Willy when I lay in the bed but wanting to feel sexy for my hubby. How in the world am I going to feel sexy, feel sexual, sensual and ready to be frisky right now? I'll tell you how, I just have to do it! I mean hubby tells me all the time how good I look to him, how sexy I am to him even with a front full of belly so I have to own it and walk in it! I can't allow my sugar to grow stale or get cold I have to get my sugar together!  Its so easy with the cares of this life, work, children, housework, etc. to loose yourself. We hear it so many times mothers loosing their groove and then later finding Stella to get her to help them get their groove back. You can start with lighting some candles and slipping into one of his t-shirts and nothing else, I mean who doesn't look good in candle light and what man doesn't get turned on at the sight of his lady in one of his shirts?? ...

Forgive me child for I have sinned...

It's the early morning of my Gender Reveal party and I'm laying here just thinking. In a few hours my family, friends, and myself find out who our new lil addition is, boy or girl. Everyone knows that I would love to have my own little girl to add to my posse. A lil girl to raise and nurture under the protection of three handsome brothers and an awesomely loving and over protective father. A lil girl to admire me as one of her number one fans and her most precious best friend that knows her ins and outs like no other, me who she would call mom. I look at and think about my boys and how awesome they are. How smart they are,how much they love their mom. I mean they have never gone a day without telling me they love me and hugging and kissing me and as their mom what more can I ask for. Young men who are complimented on how well they behave and how respectful they are just about every time we venture out. I am truly blessed by the best.  I start to think that if I am carrying anot...

Girl talk, Guys beware...

So, had my monthly appointment today and talked about a couple of good topics while there. First let me say I love my doctor, it's great to have a doctor that you can trust and actually talk to. I mean I've known her for 10 years now, she's seen the innermost parts of me for a while now. For those of us who have been pregnant or actually not even pregnant, for us women who have ever had a UTI (urinary tract infection) we talked about one thing that could increase your risk of contracting one. I myself am famous for having at least two while I'm pregnant, I learned today that if you have a UTI three times while pregnant that your doctor could prescribe you take an antibiotic every day until delivery. This helps to stave off that pesky bacteria throughout the pregnancy and the antibiotic does not have any effect on the baby. The problem with continued UTIs is it could travel to your kidneys and cause infection which then causes a host of other issues  and could ultimately...

20 Weeks Already!

I have reached the 20 week mark on today! I am half way through this process and am so glad! It does seem as if things are going by extra fast but I know soon as I get used to that things will definitely begin to slow down. I'm starting to feel like I'm getting a little bit of my energy back, just a little bit. I haven't been taking my every day nap as before although I am ready for bed around 8 pm which is early for me. And I feel like I get a lil more done during the week, more than just sleep that is. I have been feeling like such a scatter brain though, I mean just yesterday I really thought it was Friday no one could tell me otherwise. I was dating everything wrong and planning for the weekend until I realized it was just Thursday and then when today is Friday I forgot that. It's pretty bad. We had our sonogram appointment earlier this week, I decided to stop at the Wendy's drive thru for a quick bite to eat, I was in a hurry. So much so that as soon as I gave ...

Change is imminent!

It's a new year and I don't know about anyone else but I'm just ready for a change. I'm not talking about a resolution that will quickly dissipate before the month of January comes to a close but a real change that would not only affect me but everyone that is connected to me. The first thing that had to  change was my mindset and how I saw things, we have a motto at my church; when you change the way you see a thing the way you see a thing will change, I feel like I'm seeing a lot of things differently. 2014 really through me for a loop I can't even lie, especially the end of it. I'm still trying to heal from a lot of it but I thank God that I didn't loose my mind, He is a keeper! December started some new things for us, just a couple anyway. One thing, we moved on our own which was totally awesome! For a while we were staying with family, my husband lost his job a little bit ago. At that time our middle child was suffering from asthma that caused him t...