Is anyone still there?
August was such a rough month for me. My sister's would be 25th birthday, the one year anniversary of her death plus the one year anniversaries of my two aunts and a young friend of my family. Not to mention adjusting to a supposed routine for my newborn and also preparing my big boys for a new school. Just so very much that not only did I not have time but my mind was just not settled enough to put pen to paper. Have you ever been there? It's like your thoughts are running their own marathon, full speed with no chill in sight! My goodness!
Now that things have calmed just a little I have some time to catch up with you all and see how life is treating you and let you all know how life is now treating me.
School is in session for my big boys so it's just been JV and I living it up! I had to make a hard decision to not return to work. I say hard because for a family of six now having one income is a bit of a stretch but when trying to find child care you come to the realization that maybe being home with your little ones is best after all.
So, at home I am finding many small tasks to keep myself occupied. I have become determined to make this house a home. We've lived in a few houses and we had things still packed when we moved out. No pictures on the walls, no decor to express who we are, just a shell of a house that we slept in daily. I want to take time this time and paint and decorate and make living here worthwhile and so Pinterest has been my best friend. I've been searching and pinning and pinning and searching. I've found many recipes, a few I've tried and been successfully with and a couple that my boys have let me know never to try that again, my feelings were not hurt.... That much, anyway.
I would say that I will have more time to chat with you all more these days but I would be telling you all a big fat lie. Being a SAHM is more demanding then you may think especially for a Mom and Wife of a family of six! But we shall see how these weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds will go.....
Until next time!
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