This darn Rotavirus vaccine!

Continue on if you will but I must tell you this post contains talk of BMs and prayer. 

Monday I took JV to his 4 month well child visit and I forgot all about him having to get his booster immunization shots. Doctor checks him out, everything is great. Although he's a little chunkier than most he's growing beautifully and exceeding all of his current milestones. He had to get 3 needles and one liquid. I'm getting better at keeping my composure when it comes to sticking my babies with needles I don't shed tears anymore which is a win for this Mommy. Anyway, the only one I can remember off hand is the Rotavirus vaccine which was the liquid form, it's white in color in a small syringe that the nurse squirts down into the lower cheek and hopes that babies don't spit it all back into their faces. It is a live attenuated (weakend) viral vaccine given to prevent Rotavirus which is nasty bug that causes fever and vomiting, followed by very bad diarrhea which can all cause very, very serious dehydration. It is very contagious and is easily spread in day care centers. Check out the link immediately following this post for more info. 
Anyway, he took that and all of his shots like a champ with minimal crying. I had some other errands to run afterwards but I decided to cut those short and head home with my cranky boy so that he could get out of his car seat and stretch out and relax. 
He was fussy as he was with his first set of shots. He was also very sore where the needles were given so as I did last time I applied a warm compress to his little but chunky thighs and removed his bandages when he allowed me to. With his last shots he was in so much pain it hurt whenever he moved his legs and he cried and fussed most of the day. I couldn't stand seeing my baby in so much discomfort so I did give him 1 mL of infant/children's ibuprofen. This eased his pain and allowed him to get to sleep and when he woke up he was fine. I do not want anyone to say that I told them to give their baby medication against their doctor's orders. It is known that Tylenol, ibuprofen, and other pain and cough medications are not to be given to children without your doctors permission. I honestly believe its because some parents don't know how to give the correct dosage, you have to give a dosage based on the child's weight and I believe age but anyway that's my opinion and a discussion for another post for a another time. 
Anyway, I gave him 1 mL of ibuprofen this time as well to help with his discomfort. Fast forward some hours and my baby son has not made a bowel movement at all. Fast forward to the next day he's now having serious trouble pooping. I mean he's straining, he's crying, he's grunting, he's frustrated and when I check his diaper there's nothing. I started getting a little concerned when he finally did have something and it was a very small amount, very dark and very very sticky. He had several straining attacks throughout the day accompanied with loud frustrating crying. My baby boy usually doesn't fuss unless he needs to be changed or he's hungry and now to see him having several crying fits and no poop, I'm getting very concerned. I'm starting to think maybe I've been giving him too many solids since we just started to introduce them, so I slack up on he solids. I'm later realizing that the only new thing to this equation are these vaccines. 

It's now 4am two days later and baby boys is still having some troubles. I Google this issue to see if there is any info out there about it, yes I Google everything, I mean who doesn't?! Every thing I read from a pediatrician or a nurse practitioner said that vaccines do not cause constipation, I begin to get worried. I read on and I find parents who have been having or are having the same issue, some after their 2 month shots and many after their child's 4 month shots so I'm thinking these docs got it wrong! One mom said that her child was now almost 3 years old and has been dealing with constipation since his 4 month shots! That right there made me feel a certain type away! I said out loud oh no we will not be dealing with this for years to come I rebuke that! I began to massage my baby love's tummy as I prayed. I ended that prayer with, In the name of Jesus, I BELIEVE it to be so! Wouldn't you know that about 15-20 minutes after that prayer my little one let out a little flatulence and a small grunt, I checked his diaper and there was regular stool. No hardness, no stickiness, and most of all no crying and discomfort!
We as parents have to be our child's advocates, their voices when they can not speak! Do not allow these doctors and nurses to give us a final word. When you feel in your heart that something isn't right or that what they are prescribing or saying to you doesn't feel right you do have the right to stand up and say no. We know our children better than they do so don't allow them to intimidate you. Stand on what you believe and know to be true. I'm not saying refuse your child's vaccinations or treatments but be a loud voice if you discover something isn't right. I'm a praying mother so when I have a bad feeling or something isn't going right with my boys I immediately resort to prayer, it's what works for me, do what works for you. 

Here's that link::


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