Yes I have 4 boys! What's it to you?!
Whenever I'm out with JV I get the usual, "Congratulations!" which I was confused after he was 3 months and folk were still saying it, I'm like he's not new anymore I mean do you see how chunky he is! I get the "Aaaawwwww, I remember when" which was a new response that I actually just got today and I always get "He so cute and adorable, he's a big boy!" And usually following one of these statements I get asked "Is he your first?" First let me say thank you, thank you for looking at my face and looking at this body and not being able to realize that I have pushed four bundles of heaping joy from this uterus, thank you so very much.
Now, it's not this question that gets me, it's the repsponse to my reply of "No, he's actually my fourth, that is starting to get my panties in a bunch and ruffle my feathers.
"OMG, how do you do it?!" Wow, FOUR BOYS! (Note the emphasis) and then of course following those is the number one question. I bet this could be a question on Family Feud and it would be the number one answer: Top 5 answers are on the board, "What does someone say to a woman when she tells them she has four boys? Are you going to try for a girl?! Ding Ding Ding that is the number one answer!
I've had complete and total strangers ask me that question, I swear at least 5 times a week, like seriously, once a day.
Sometimes when people ask these questions, I feel like they are instantly judging me especially when I'm not with my husband. It's like they are looking at me with their judgemental eyes and saying why do you have four children and four boys at that, you're probably a single mother on welfare. And I say some because there are some people who ask me these questions and they look at me like I'm Supermom and they don't believe that they could ever deal with what my life involves.
I'm not a rude person, although my husband calls me mean sometimes, I usually politely chuckle, shake my head and tell them yes I have four wonderful boys, who mean the absolute world to me. I want to go further and explain that they bring joy to me life that I wasn't able to tap into until they entered in. I do any and every thing for them to have what they need and what they want within reason. I couldn't imagine my life without the four of them and their dad, my husband, in it. Yes my house is 100% noisy, yes my boys may say or do some things that cause me to just shake my head and laugh, yes they are rough and tough, love to wrestle with each other and fight each other all day, yes my boys are currently eating us out of house and home, yes their feet are growing at a rate of 5 inches per year and their legs are sprouting like beans stalks almost every month but you know what?! They are all mine and when I tell you that they love them some Mom, I do them no justice. They hug and kiss me all day everyday, they tell me they love me every hour. They come into my room at least five times a day just to ask me, "Are you ok Mom?" And since I'm the only lady in the house and they have such great manners, no one enters a door until I have walked through it, my 7 year old makes sure of that; "Ladies first!" is what he exclaims at every door. I may or may not ever experience raising a little girl in my lifetime but I tell you what, raising four young men to be mighty men of valor like their dad is good enough for me and pretty gosh darn great too if I might add!
Next time you see me in the streets with all four of my boys and I may be alone, don't look at us with judgement in your eyes or shake your head with pity, smile at us, say hello and keep it moving because this posse is living life and loving it!
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