A Holiday Truth Package for you!
Ok, so we do not believe in the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus and we teach our children that these tales do not exist. Since this is the Christmas season I will just talk about Dear ole' St. Nick.
All of our boys know that Santa Claus is not real. We chose at the time they asked to just tell them truth and not hold up a charade, that was our choice. We explained to them the story about a man named Nicholas who was called a saint because he would leave candy and trinkets in the stockings left outside of the doors of the poor families with children. It gave the family's joy and hope when the children awoke to receive their gifts from dear ole St. Nick. As the years went on and time passed they, whoever they are, added to the story and turned him into some mystical being with a sleigh and reindeers who travels the world giving gifts by sliding down folk's chimneys. And some parents have adopted the story and allowed their children to believe it. Me, personally I am not given anyone else credit for the hard work, money and time we put into buying, wrapping and giving our children gifts. And further, because we are Christians we teach and reiterate the story of the birth of Christ and we explain the reason why we give gifts. Again, this is what we do and we do not condemn others who choose to raise their children on the story of Santa Claus. No we don't make others out to be bad parents or tell them that they believe in demonic forces and that they are offering their children up for sacrifice to a pagan God. We even tell our boys not to go to school telling their friends that Santa does not exist because some children would be crushed to find this out if they've been taught otherwise. However, it's been slightly difficult for our 5yo to keep his truth to himself.
Not everyone believes in the same things and who are we to judge others because they choose to believe in something different. We have to get out of the shoes of judgement and live our lives walking in our own shoes of freedom. Maybe some one has not come to the light you have seen and maybe they won't ever because they don't believe there is a light but to put some one down because they choose different paths is not cool. Especially for us Christians who are supposed to live a life of love. And another thing to my fellow Christians, it's ok to not believe in something because it's just a story, fairy tale, or mythology. Everything doesn't have to be laced with demon-esque tendencies for you to reject it or not believe in it. If you don't agree it's cool to not believe it.
This Christams season know your truth and believe that the truth will make you free.
If you want to start a freedom journey of your own, do some research, educate yourself; I'm not talking about reading someone's blog of their beliefs and what they have concocted and taking them on as your own, no! Get into the real history of the topic and learn the background. And if by any chance you are walking alone on the freedom path own it and walk heavy on it. It's your truth, let no one take that from you.
Until next time!
Crowns Galore
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