My Marriage Rant....
Ok, so , I'm listening to the Kane Show this morning as I usually do. I can only listen to them when the kids are engrossed in their own conversations on the way to school though, if they are too quiet and listening, they start to ask me questions or I hear them talking amongst themselves and laughing because they heard someone say "butt" or anything else they deem funny. I will never forget the time when Intern John was talking about his first kiss and how either he or the girl had braces and the kiss ended with one of them getting cut and bleeding, my boys went to town! They were giggling and commenting on how crazy this was and OMG he hurt her and she was going to bleed to death and blah, blah, blah. Well, needless to say after that the radio stayed on Kids Place Live the entire ride to school and until they exited the vehicle! Since today, my boys were on 10 the entire ride to school, for whatever reason, I was able to tune in and catch the War of the Roses segment...