This darn Rotavirus vaccine!
Continue on if you will but I must tell you this post contains talk of BMs and prayer. Monday I took JV to his 4 month well child visit and I forgot all about him having to get his booster immunization shots. Doctor checks him out, everything is great. Although he's a little chunkier than most he's growing beautifully and exceeding all of his current milestones. He had to get 3 needles and one liquid. I'm getting better at keeping my composure when it comes to sticking my babies with needles I don't shed tears anymore which is a win for this Mommy. Anyway, the only one I can remember off hand is the Rotavirus vaccine which was the liquid form, it's white in color in a small syringe that the nurse squirts down into the lower cheek and hopes that babies don't spit it all back into their faces. It is a live attenuated (weakend) viral vaccine given to prevent Rotavirus which is nasty bug that causes fever and vomiting, followed by very bad diarrhea which can all ca...