
Showing posts from November, 2015

This darn Rotavirus vaccine!

Continue on if you will but I must tell you this post contains talk of BMs and prayer.  Monday I took JV to his 4 month well child visit and I forgot all about him having to get his booster immunization shots. Doctor checks him out, everything is great. Although he's a little chunkier than most he's growing beautifully and exceeding all of his current milestones. He had to get 3 needles and one liquid. I'm getting better at keeping my composure when it comes to sticking my babies with needles I don't shed tears anymore which is a win for this Mommy. Anyway, the only one I can remember off hand is the Rotavirus vaccine which was the liquid form, it's white in color in a small syringe that the nurse squirts down into the lower cheek and hopes that babies don't spit it all back into their faces. It is a live attenuated (weakend) viral vaccine given to prevent Rotavirus which is nasty bug that causes fever and vomiting, followed by very bad diarrhea which can all ca...

Yes I have 4 boys! What's it to you?!

Whenever I'm out with JV I get the usual, "Congratulations!" which I was confused after he was 3 months and folk were still saying it, I'm like he's not new anymore I mean do you see how chunky he is! I get the "Aaaawwwww, I remember when" which was a new response that I actually just got today and I always get "He so cute and adorable, he's a big boy!" And usually following one of these statements I get asked "Is he your first?" First let me say thank you, thank you for looking at my face and looking at this body and not being able to realize that I have pushed four bundles of heaping joy from this uterus, thank you so very much. Now, it's not this question that gets me, it's the repsponse to my reply of "No, he's actually  my fourth,  t hat is starting to get my panties in a bunch and ruffle my feathers.  "OMG, how do you do it?!" Wow, FOUR BOYS! (Note the emphasis) and then of course following those i...